Have you ever been involved in a battle? It is not just the strong who engage themselves in battle but all of us can find ourselves battling various issues in life. When it comes to our safety and security, thank God for those who stand on our behalf and protect our nations. They risk their own lives for the sake of our defense. Whenever there is a battle and insecurity, they go out to defend us and fight on our behalf.
Life battles does not just come to the strong but to the weak as well. Everyone in their lifetime, will be involved in various battles of some sort. These are challenges that come in life and whether we like it or not we always have to face them. I used to think it’s only those that are strong who face battles and have ability to overcome. But that’s not the case. In fact, battles come to everyone and they make us strong. We are able to prove ourselves what we are capable to do. When you go through a battle you get to discover the areas in your life where you are weak or strong. You cannot know who you are and what you are good at until you go through some testing.
The battle is not just to the strong but to everyone. You may find yourself in a situation that is unbearable simply because you may have made some wrong choices or made uninformed decisions pertaining a circumstance. Such incidences might land you into trouble especially if you are doing things with the wrong people. You could find yourself caught up in a battle be it; physical, financial, social, psychological and much more. In such a case what would you do? I think the best thing to do is to seek counsel especially from the Lord through His Word and in prayer. Seeking for guidance and applying wisdom while going through any battle is important. The battle is not just to the strong!